24-09-2022 04:25 PM
I have saved the EE Wi-Fi Auti for the London Underground as a network, I have the SIM setup as the login, but every time the train pulls into a station I have to manually select EE Wi-Fi Auto and connect. When it first connects it says internet not available and then there is a ! by the signal icon and it says connected internet not available. Then it connects, usually as the train is pulling out of the station. My partner does not have any of this problem with her phone, it is a pixel 5. Mine is a pixel 6 pro, both on the most recent version of Android, and both seem to have all the same settings. Mine is on auto connect, and is set up exactly as per the instructions on the EE website. Any ideas why it won't just auto connect?
25-09-2022 09:46 AM
Hi @AlMac,
Our Technical Support Team will be happy to help with this issue if you get in touch.
25-09-2022 05:20 PM
Have you tried re-creating the saved WiFi profile?
26-09-2022 12:53 PM
how does one do that?
26-09-2022 01:06 PM
Hi - thanks - I am not sure what that means. If you mean forget the network and start again - I can do, but what difference would that make? Cache is cleared etc..
Thanks tho!
26-09-2022 01:22 PM
Please give us a call on 150 and the team will be happy to help you get this looked into.
01-10-2022 07:03 PM
Hi same here I cant connect even I spoke to ee support.
Asking me for identity and password which I have never done with virgin media for many years. Who can help me please?
02-10-2022 08:26 AM
02-10-2022 03:06 PM
Galaxy S10 5G
02-10-2022 03:10 PM
OK. thanks @Regbond1
Have you tried forgetting the network and reconnecting again from scratch?