Community Activity
Sim only upgrade
I upgraded my sim only contract to the 80gb but I then decided that I wanted to go to the unlimited option of the sim only contract but I just added it on to my up grade account how do I make sure that I get the sim deal I want?
Voicemail cuts in early
Any advice to extend the ringing time before voicemail cuts in on iphone 13? Currently cuts in after 20 secs.... ideally want to increase delay to 30 secs....
Sim only upgrade
I currently have a sim only, I am in month 16 of a 24 month contract and I pay £33 a month at the minute, I am able to upgrade for free right now, I have seen the same sim only deal I am on now for £24 a month for 12 months then £48, 24 month contrac...
SIM Question
Hello, I bought an 8GB SIM card plus 500 minutes and unlimited texts. So there's no subscription, no out-of-bundle charges or other fees?
Text scam
Received a text from 07396 733461 saying my payment had not gone thro and to update my information at believe this to be a scam and reported it.
Connection Dropping Out At The Same Time Every Day
Hello! I have recently moved to EE broadband and it has been mostly working pretty well. I have had an issue with it for a while where the connection would drop for a minute/two sometime in the hour of 12am every single day. It has also changed with ...
Why do I need £20 spend cap to use my contract aboard?
I have an old contract which includes unlimited text, calls and 200GB data. I am entitled to use it in EU as I had it before brexit. I’ve checked with customer services and they confirmed this. However last time I went to Spain (I visit my parents ev...
Hi, does anyone else have problems with the terestrial HD channels when receiving off air with this box?Have had an engineer try another box but no change. When checking TV Signal Quality: Signal Strength is 100% but Signal Quality is 0%. Talked on p...
Iphone 16
I want see where my order is
How to contact parent when data has run out?
Hi, My son has a mobile phone with a SIM only contract. However, i have realised that he does not recieve my messages and can not call me if he has used all of his data and is not with in range of a WiFi. Is there any was he can make contact with m...