09-10-2021 10:05 AM
HI there I've had same phone for ages and never had trouble accessing my vm before. I am now told I need to have a PIN number. I'm in the UK. I tried to call 150 this am but there was no help for this specific issue available there. Can someone please tell me how to access my voicemail and/or how to set a pin if I actually really need one that is. I'd prefer not to have to have yet another pin number to remember.
Someone on another forum suggested texting 'vm on' to 150. Is that perhaps the best solution?
Many thanks for any advice.
09-10-2021 10:13 AM
Hi @Evelyn28
Thanks for coming to the community.
Do you get asked for the pin as soon as you call your voicemail?
09-10-2021 10:14 AM
Hi @Evelyn28
Welcome to the EE community
From the sounds of it, you've inadvertently enabled PIN protection on your voicemail but have forgotten the PIN.
If PIN access to your voicemail is active, then you'll need to enter that PIN to call your voicemail, this is by design. If you've forgotten the PIN, you'll need to speak to a C/S agent to pass security and reset the PIN.
There shouldn't be any harm caused by trying VM OFF/VM ON, but I suspect this won't make any difference to a lost-PIN scenario.
09-10-2021 10:18 AM
09-10-2021 10:25 AM
Thanks @Evelyn28
In this case, please follow @bristolian's advice and give us a call on 150. If you select the technical support option when you call, the team will be happy to help you get this looked into 🙂
09-10-2021 10:30 AM
09-10-2021 10:34 AM
Hi @Evelyn28
You would need to give us a call and the team will help you with your voicemail.
09-10-2021 10:54 AM
@Evelyn28 wrote:
So I just want to revert to my previous mode of calling the number to retrieve my voicemail but without the faff of adding in a pin that I don’t have and don’t know how to set.
There is a menu option within the voicemail options to enable/disable "PIN required" when you call voicemail.
This won't alter the forgotten PIN situation - that needs to be reset via EE C/S.
09-10-2021 12:04 PM
Hi @Evelyn28
I'm sure you can reset this by deactivating voicemail, restarting your device and then activating again.