Awful service


Over the last eight months I've sadly been in ninewell's hospital and as such the EE mobile data I'm afforded has been offline for at least half of that. It regularly goes down for hours on end. This is just an annoyed rant to say I won't be renewing with EE moving forward. Once my contract is up in September I'm done. I hate people like this that post a goodbye post instead of just going but EE deserve every part of the complaint.

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Are you reporting a total loss of coverage for these durations? That would have an onward impact on voice calls, texts & mobile data - unless you were able to use WiFi-calling.

Or are you reporting an inability to use mobile data when coverage is otherwise good? Assuming voice calls & texts are OK in this scenario.

Inability to use mobile data in an area that is great for coverage. I've been regularly checking the status of the area. Proving it after the fact will be impossible but I won't be trying to do so. A solution isn't required I've already came to an immovable conclusion.

@dwaterston    So it’s been on and off for around 8 months and your in a hospital.   Mmm I wonder what in a hospital could effect a mobile cellular signal.    

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.
EE Community Support Team

Hi @dwaterston 

I'm really sorry to hear that you had some problems with service when you were in hospital. Unfortunately, there are many factors in hospitals that can affect service. I'm also sorry to hear that you've decided to leave because of this.

I wish you all the best in future and hope to see you as our customer again in future.


@dwaterston wrote:

Inability to use mobile data in an area that is great for coverage. I've been regularly checking the status of the area.

Did you report your issues for further checks? Experience has taught me that far too many users "suffer in silence" and use social media to compare notes on faults without giving operators the chance to investigate - this not just true of EE. If reports were made and not followed up, then blame is rightly due to the MNO.

Your choice of network is of no concern to me personally, I'm responding as a peer. Use your remaining 6months to compare networks side-by-side with PAYG SIMs - networks do vary substantially in performance & service, and coverage shock is best discovered before making hasty price-driven decisions.