Poor coverage


Hi, yes I have the same problem in Rugby the coverage has deteriorate to such an extent that I am seriously thinking of moving to another provider. I’ve been with EE for many years and this is the first time I’ve had any issues, 4 G seems hit and miss and 5 G Coverage is limited and even when there is good 5G the data rate is worse than I used to get with 3 G. I’ve tried asking why but the answers I get are obviously not from anyone that understands radio transmissions, I am a telecommunication by profession and I do get very frustrated when some with no knowledge tried to justify the issue. It seems to be a problem of our times, employing cheaper staff. 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Data speeds are primarily dictated by the spectrum available on your serving site, divided by the amount of users. Many people mistakenly believe "more bars" are better, when that's only a factor so far as ensuring good radio conditions.

What's your background in telecoms? And what explanations have you been given?