Patchy signal in my village


The mobile phone coverage in my village is patchy outside and poor inside. Who should I talk to about the possible installation of a mobile phone mast in the village?

EE Community Support Team

Hi @AndrewKM 

Welcome to the community.

Do you own land where a mast could be installed?


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Installing a new network site isn't an application process as such, once network planners have decided a new site is needed there is a lengthy process.

Legal agreement with a willing landlord is required in a suitable location where numerous accesses are available. Local authority planning consent will very likely be required for new installs, along with various other technical requirements.

As per the previous response, an interested potential landlord is always a good start.

Hi Christopher,

I’m asking for the village as the parish councillor asked to do the research. We have several potential sites on private land in the village but before we approach the owners (one of whom has expressed an interest previously) we need to know that there is a reasonable chance of success.

@AndrewKM wrote:

we need to know that there is a reasonable chance of success.

This is not something that, unfortunately, is entirely in the hands of EE or any network operator.

The biggest single third-party dependency is the local authority planning system. Operators do extensively consult as part of the design & planning process, but ultimately are at the whim of the planning authorities. Local objectors are often a problem, and a huge frustration for all those involved.

The choice of potential site location will form part of the feasibility checks.