08-06-2024 07:23 PM
I’ve noticed a weird thing when gifting data. At the start in each billing cycle, I top up each number in my account until they reach 10GB.
When I log in, later in the month, the total values change to match whatever is remaining. For example, Person 1 starts with 10GB, uses 900MB, and when I log in to check, it will be displayed as 9.1GB left of 9.1GB. This is the same both in the app and on the website.
The only difference is when a person has used all their data. In this example, let’s say Person 2 starts with 2GB, which is then typed up to 10GB, all of which is used. When I log in, I’d expect it to show 0B left of 10GB, which is what it used to display. However, now it reads as 0B left of 2GB.
I’ve tried both the app and the website. I’ve deleted the app and reinstalled it. I even phoned EE, but they said something along the lines of, “The numbers will reset at your next billing cycle and then everything should be fine.” I got the feeling that they had no idea what the problem was and just wanted to get rid of me. This has been going on for several months.
Can anyone offer any suggestions? Has anyone experienced anything similar?
09-06-2024 07:50 AM
Good morning @Kalessin.
Thanks for coming here.
If you text AL to 150 from one of the numbers does the correct data show?
When you spoke with our customer care team was anything else advsied?
Has a ticket been raised for this to be looked into further?
10-06-2024 03:24 PM
Hey @Katie_B,
Many thanks for your response!
I tried texting AL from each of the numbers, and the data is just as incorrect as in the app. The only one that's correct is my own line, which gets 10GB by default and therefore doesn't get any data gifted to it.
Nothing else was advised by the customer care person I spoke with, and I'm not aware that any further action was taken, such as a ticket being raised.
10-06-2024 04:06 PM
Thanks for coming back to us @Kalessin
Please call us again on 150 and the team will let you know what is needed to get this looked into and resolved.
Thanks 🙂