15-03-2025 05:21 PM
L ive in a rural area and I have a 4G reciever on my house with an EE sim to allow me to use 4G as my home internet.
The last few days the speed has dropped dramatically so that even whatsapp messages take a few moments to send.
I have restarted my devices several times and spoken to tech support who say they can see no issues.
I can't make a phonecall from my home without the 4G working and neither my phone or my router will now pick any 4G up.
Any suggestions?
15-03-2025 05:40 PM
Hi @Sarah4291
Have you checked EE network status checker:
15-03-2025 10:21 PM
@Sarah4291 wrote:
I can't make a phonecall from my home without the 4G working and neither my phone or my router will now pick any 4G up.
Are those devices picking up 2G? Or are they showing no coverage?
If you perform a manual network search on your phone, does EE show as available? What did the CS bod offer when you spoke to them, by means of suggestions or next steps?
You can use WiFi-calling on your phone to continue using it without needing mobile coverage.