The network speed problem of EE unlimited Data Sim card


I checked OFCOM that I was covered by OPENREACH and EE's network was also supplied by OpenReach, so my network should be good. But in fact, the speed is very unstable, usually only 1.2Mbps. Now I don't know what to do with this problem, since Amazon can't return this Unlimited card. I hope someone can tell me a way out, thank you sooo much.

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Your post refers to Openreach, which suggests fixed-line broadband. But SIM cards are used on a mobile network - which uses different technology.

Which product are you using - fixed-line or mobile broadband?

Hi, I use the SIM card. Is this belonging to Mobile BroadBand?

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

OR does not supply you with a signal for your mobile router. That's for fixed Home BB. It's EE's mobile network that you are connected to. OFCOM does not come into either.

Which mobile router do you have?

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To phone EE CS: Dial Freephone +44 800 079 8586 - Option 1 for Mobile Phone & Mobile Broadband or Option 2 for Home Broadband & Home Phone

ISPs: 1999: Freeserve 48K Dial-Up > 2005: Wanadoo 1 Meg BB > 2007: Orange 2 Meg BB > 2008: Orange 8 Meg LLU > 2010: Orange 16 Meg LLU > 2011: Orange 20 Meg WBC > 2014: EE 20 Meg WBC > 2020: EE 40 Meg FTTC > 2022:EE 80 Meg FTTC SoGEA > 2025 EE 150 Meg FTTP

Hi, I use Huawei's router.  And I inserted Unlimited Sim Card into the router.

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Ningning11 

Thanks for coming here 🙂

If you are using a mobile SIM, you can check coverage and any reported service problems for you area on the Service Status Checker.

If nothing is showing and you are experiencing signal issues, you can use the report option and this will be looked into by the network team. 

