EE 5G Smart Hub with a Meraki VPN


Hi folks,

I've got a 5G Smart Hub from EE thats been working great.  I've got a new job and trying to connect a Cisco Meraki to use as my companies VPN, but we're having issues connecting to it as the IPv4 keeps using a 10.... IP range, rather than 192... 

Is this possible to change in the router settings? - I am a bit of a luddite with these things I'm afraid.

From what I can see in my router settings, there's no mention of the 10. range, it all suggests it'll use 192 range.

I also use a Orbi Mesh wifi, but we've tried connecting the Meraki to the router directly and the Orbi satellite and in both cases the IP is 10. range, for the Meraki to work it needs to be a 192 range.

IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :

Ideally it should be  (or at least that range)

The Meraki is wired to the hub with an Ethernet cable, I've tried both the WAN and WAN/LAN ports but get the same result.

Could any one help me with the correct setting I need for this? - or does this router/5G not support this?



EE Community Support Team

Welcome to the community, @Mattsalt131774 

It's difficult for us to support queries. I'm not aware of a manual way to change the IP range. Have you spoken with your work's IT department? They may be able to help support you with this.

We also have some very knowledgeable community members who may be along to help, if they're able to.



Thanks Chris!

Yeah my IT have been looking with me, the option they suggested is to set up a static IP - not quite sure how to do that, but I'll have a go! 

From what I see in the router settings, it all looks to use the 192 range, but the PC is picking up the IPv4 one which is a 10. range... 

EE Community Support Team

Thanks @Mattsalt131774 

Our mobile routers use dynamic IP, so it sounds like it could be a compatibility issue. If you let the IT team know that, they may be able to give you some advice.


ah ok, so is it not possible to set a static IP in the router settings?

EE Community Support Team

No, I'm not aware of a way to set a static IP on our mobile routers, @Mattsalt131774.



EE do not provide a static public external IP but aren't you asking about the internal private IPs? You should be able to fix internal IPs.

Funny about your devices getting internal 10.0.0.x IPs. Show us the DHCP page of the router.

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