16-10-2023 10:00 AM
I have recently left EE as an employee and was wondering how I would contact HR/Payroll regarding my final pay/payslip?
Is there a contact number/email?
Thank you!
04-07-2024 03:21 PM
I've sent some information to your community inbox, @GarfieldEnthuas
22-08-2024 08:47 AM
I also require contact details to obtain final payslip.
22-08-2024 09:36 AM
22-08-2024 09:51 AM
Don't suppose I can get that same info please?
Need reference from HR, thanks.
22-08-2024 11:12 AM
23-08-2024 03:30 PM
Hi could you help me with this too please
23-08-2024 03:52 PM
Hey @Caitjess
Thanks for coming to the Community.
I've sent you some information in a private message.
Debbie 🙂
22-10-2024 02:51 PM
I also need to contact Payroll can anyone help
22-10-2024 03:15 PM
Hi there @Emiliet419
Thanks for coming to the community.
Can I just check are you a current or ex-employee?
Thanks 🙂
22-10-2024 03:28 PM
Ex employee