12-12-2024 11:12 AM
I’ve been dealing with this for 3 weeks now but I’ve got my EE GameCard info and successfully redeemed it. However, I got a confirmation of the order and haven’t received any codes after it. I’ve contacted just about everyone. Waivpay and BHNeegaming and nothing. When will this get resolved because it’s been 3 weeks and nothing has been resolved?
12-12-2024 03:43 PM
Welcome to the community.
If you speak with our Mobile Care team, they'll be able to look into your GameCard order and help you get it redeemed.
16-12-2024 01:55 PM
I have redeemed it however the problem is with the third party BHNeegaming@waivpay.com I have emailed multiple times to get my PSN vouchers and I have had no response
16-12-2024 04:11 PM
OK thanks, @AnthonyCrossley
Please keep us updated with what happens when they get back in touch with you.
16-12-2024 07:19 PM
I’ve had the same problem I’ve been waiting since the 21st November. I’ve emailed I’ve used the contact us on the website I’ve live chat with ee and phoned but nothing gets done. Have you had any joy yet ?
18-12-2024 04:54 PM
EE are an absolute joke & scammers last time I buy anything from them
19-12-2024 08:35 AM
Hi @Solcutter
If you have an issue with a Gamecard order, I recommend speaking with our Mobile Care team so that they can look into what has happened with it.
20-12-2024 05:40 PM
I’ve been doing that since the end of November. Every person I’ve spoken to says they will chase it up and that I should have a reply within 2 days. No reply Then it gets escalated. Still no reply. Who does this need to be reported to for something to get done because it’s shocking the amount of time to wait now
21-12-2024 10:56 AM
Hi @Jordanalt
When you call customer services, they fill in a form that is sent to the team who looks into missing game cards and send them out. It's also recorded against your account.
Hopefully you hear back from them soon. Please keep us posted on what happens.