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Upgrading online still not an option


Is there any indication of when upgrading online will become an option again? It has been at least a year since we were able to do so.

To reiterate: the upgrade links on both the app and the website (regardless of the browser) are not functional. As has been pointed out by several Web developers, the buttons aren't linked to any pages.

The repeated suggestion of just calling EE isn't an option for lots of people. Every other network would have sorted this promptly. Please, please get this sorted and communicate it.

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Ren_or_Stimpy 

Thanks for coming to the community. 

Online upgrades are available, if your EE account does not direct you to the upgrade options available this would need to be reported to our mobile guides by calling 150. This is an individual EE account issue and may need a support ticket raised for your EE app and online account by our mobile guides. 

Please get in touch to get this fully investigated. 
