Since App Update to V 5.39.0(854948) and ask for Merged to be done cose two ID

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

I put a merged request in over 3 days ago because there were two IDs open and the ID that was meant to be deleted no longer live but is still live meaning I still see or do lots of things on the app or website.

Last Night I updated my app to V 5.39.0 (854948) and now can't do anything on not even turn on work mode or change my game QOS setting and messege button as gone as well 

there is a screenshot of the issue I am having 

trying add game passtrying add game passshowing old bt account in order cant see pass ordersshowing old bt account in order cant see pass ordersScreenshot 2024-06-11 103449.png90cfd7a9-0c16-4639-9148-e9b725fd0283.jpegmessagemessage447658021_1862002900933015_2139473106511151936_n.jpgwifiwifiwifiwifi