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I'm another new EE customer who cannot access their account


I've been with EE for just under two weeks now, having ported my number in from 3 on a pay-monthly SIM-only deal. The whole process went smoothly, and the EE network works well for me. I installed the EE App and set up an account using the email address I used when I ordered the SIM, and that's where it all went wrong.

I cannot add my SIM to my account. I cannot see any details of my account. I cannot see my profile. I cannot even post in these forums (I've set up an account using a different email address to post this). If I try to do any of these things, the App asks me to log in again, and then says "Login error - we're working on fixing this page . . .". This has been going on since my first day with EE. It isn't a great introduction to the network.

If I try to log in using a web browser (Firefox, Edge or Chrome) I see exactly the same problems. I assume the App is really a wrapper for the web site.

I have had three conversations with EE's help desk people who were polite, patient, and could do absolutely nothing to hep me.

I see from this forum that I'm not alone in having this problem. Please, please could I have some official comment from an EE representative explaining what is going wrong, and what is being done about it?

EE Community Support Team

Hello @NoAccount

Thanks for coming here. 

I am sorry to hear this is happening and understand this must be frustrating. 

Have you tried registering with the email address you have been able to make this account with?

What was advised when you spoke with our customer care team? Did they escalate this to our technical care department?


I didn't try adding my SIM to this account because my understanding was that it should be added to an account using the email address I gave when I ordered the SIM.

I think I was passed on the technical care department - at any rate, I was passed on to a second-level team. They were able to access my account, could see my details, and said they had added the SIM to the account on my behalf (which I suppose is another good reason no to try to attach it to this account). From where they sit, everything looks fine on my account.

They were obviously familiar with the problem, and made some note on my account about it, but the only advice they could offer was to try again in a couple of days. I had the feeling they find this issue as frustrating as I do.

I understand this affects a relatively small number of people, but that could mean that it isn't viewed as important and won't be fixed. If you are a victim of the bug, it is important! That's why I would like to understand what is happening, and what is being done about it.


EE Community Support Team

Thanks for getting back to me @NoAccount

We have no account access here on the community to look into this further. 

If you continue to see this I would recommend giving us another call. 

It could be a case that a ticket needs to be raised for further investigation. 


I spoke to the second-level support people again today and confirmed that a ticket has already been raised. I asked about linking my SIM to this account instead of the non-working one, and I was firmly advised not to do that.

Other than that, there is no change - the problem is acknowledged, there is no date for a fix, and the advice is to keep trying and hope it starts working.

I asked exactly what the problem was and got a cagey non-answer along the lines of "your account is there, but it's not there". The support person would not be drawn any further, and made it clear there was nothing more they could do for me.

Unfortunately I'm at the start of a new contract, so potentially I've got two years of not being able to access my account.

EE Community Support Team

Hi @NoAccount

Did the technical care team advise the ticket has been closed?

Was any solution provided on your call?


The advisor did not say the ticket was being closed, but I got two text messages immediately after the conversation. The first was a link to get a call-back if I wanted to talk about the issue again, and the second said:-

"Hi from EE, thanks for getting in touch with us recently. Your case (ref: IDxxxxxxxx) has been closed. If you'd like to discuss this issue further, please call us on 150 from your EE mobile. Please visit for further information on our Complaints Code of Practice."

So to answer your question, yes, the ticket has been closed, and if I want to take it further I'll it looks as if have to go down the complaints route.

The only "solution" offered was as I described - it's a known problem, there's no date for a fix, keep trying.

If there isn't a solution to whatever the problem is, I don't see much point in making a complaint - if the techies can't fix it, I don't suppose the complaints team can.


I finally got this resolved - I'm posting this from my "real" EE account, rather than the "NoAccount" one I used to start this thread because the EE site wouldn't allow me to log in to post, manage my account or do anything except spend more money with EE.

The solution came during my third or fourth contact with EE to try to get a resolution, when the EE agent asked if I had another email address he could try. I do have a "spare" email account, little used, so the agent asked if he could change the registered email on my EE account to that "spare" email address. After a bit of to-ing and fro-ing, I was finally able to log in and see my account (and post here). It has only taken a month.

No idea whether this might work for anyone else, but for others who can't see their accounts it might be worth setting up a free Gmail mailbox or similar, and asking EE to change your registered email address. If it works you could forward the newly-created email account to your normal email, to avoid having to monitor another email address. Hope it works for you.


Established Contributor
Established Contributor

So basically you had to fix EE's problem for them. A whole new meaning for "customer service"?

Hi Katie_B

Perhaps you can help.

was happy using EE mobile and accessing the account till Feb 24 when BT moved my broadband over to EE. Since the I’ve not had any access to my mobile phone account. I was able to view my broadband but couldn’t link the mobile. I was told I needed to use another email address which  I did and the same issue 

I’ve spent countless hours on the phone to EE without any resolutions. What made matter worse no is that my broadband account has now been closed. So no access to both mobile and broadband accounts.

For a company like EE, this is a disgrace, the majority of the customer service team haven’t got a clue about the products or services that you offer.

ehen I’ve made a complaint, this is closed without even an acknowledgment as to what has been done. Posting on here is my last attempt to get this resolved 

I was told last week that my broadband account will be restored within five working days, well it hasn’t 

I’m beginning to think that EE don’t really care otherwise you would have not let customer waiting for eight months before a simple technical issue is resolved 

I await your response