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Postive feed back


I've just had a team in the Peterxxx EE store go above and beyond for me when I went in to upgrade. 

Please pass this on to them and the whole team were amazing and tried their hardest to find me a suitable contract and went above and beyond for me.

Thanks again!


[Mod edit: Removed employee's surname.]

EE Community Support Team

Good Afternoon @Dragondanys1


Thanks for coming to the EE Community to share this lovely feedback. 


I would love to feed this back to the team but it looks like the store name has been edited. 


Please could you reconfirm what store you visited?


Speak soon, 


Katie 🙂

Heya its peter- lee im not sure why it was edited out! Meant to be one word haha

EE Community Support Team

Perfect @Dragondanys1


I will ensure this gets passed to the relevant team. 


Thank you again for coming to the community and sharing this with us. 


Have a wonderful evening, 


Katie 🙂