20-10-2023 10:35 AM
Good morning☕️
I just wanted to know if someone could commend some of your store staff at your Ankerside Tamworth branch. Me & my better half were out of contract with O2 (customers of theirs for more than 15 years) & getting help from them was nigh on impossible & frankly misleading. We were told we couldn’t keep our numbers & change names to those numbers. Walked into your Tamworth branch & were welcomed immediately. It was all explained to us, no problem with keeping the numbers or transferring names to those numbers. Friendly efficient staff👌 Our assistant, who I’m sure was called Zoe🤔 was great & also another gentleman staff member, who I didn’t catch his name, was also of great help. We’re all quick to complain when things don’t go right or are given a bad service, so then, we should be just as quick to praise when things go well. Please pass on my thoughts, getting a good, or in this case a great service is somewhat of a rarity these days, so please commend those staff, they are doing a great job👏👏👏
20-10-2023 01:00 PM
Ah, that's brilliant, @Burnzy75. Thank you for stopping by to let us know of your experience in the Tamworth store. 🙂
I'm so glad to hear that Zoe and the team were able to welcome you in such a fantastic way.
I'll do my best to pass this message through to the store. 😄