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Promise To Pay


Good evening

I set up a promise to pay at the start of November which should have been paid yesterday.

I honestly thought I would have the money through in time as I am taking equity out of my house to cover living expenses as well as other things.

It has been one delay after another and as of 3pm today the offer still hasn’t been generated and unless I am ringing them to chase they don’t seem to be in any hurry.

Just received a text saying that they haven’t received payment and that I am going to suffer complete loss of service.

I’ve tried ringing them but obviously they close at 6pm.

What can I possibly do?  I have 37p in mg bank account and no family I can turn to to ask for money.  I am eating from a zero waste charity bag once a week money is that low.

I am worried that my friend who has a phone through my account that I pay for will be left without anyway of contacting anyone.  She is housebound and needs her phone to contact doctors etc and should she have a fall as she can hardly walk.

I know once you don’t honour your promise to pay you aren’t offered another one but I honestly thought equity would be through by now.  If I can’t chase them then I won’t ever get this offer and money and then I will lose more than just a phone.

Can anyone offer any help or advice?


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

There isn't any account access on this public internet forum, you need to be having this conversation with EE C/S on 150 from your mobile or 0800 0798586