29-11-2024 09:05 AM
Hi all,
Since a successful move from legacy BB to Full fibre I have received the legacy bill for 25/11-24/12 even though my Full Fibre BB started on 26/11 and I have received the bill for that also.
I rang EE and they were most unhelpful stating that the old bill had to be paid and it would be refunded at a later date!
Good luck with that as Ive cancelled the DD.
Anyone else had this issue?
29-11-2024 09:25 AM - edited 29-11-2024 09:26 AM
@nibbenjamin Why would you do that?
It is standard practise for many suppliers, not just ISP’s to bill in advance, so it is not like you have just had this bill for your old service. Not paying it an cancelling your DD is only going to cause you more issues, which would be put straight with a refund on your next bill.
29-11-2024 09:32 AM
My legacy BB and phone line were out of contract on 21/11 - I swapped to Full fibre from 25/11!
I'm happy to pay what's owed but I prefer £50 of my money in my account not in EEs when the contract ended the day my Full fibre started.
Surely its not rocket science to provide me with an actual bill of what I owe for me to pay?
Also considering that its 2 separate products I shouldn't get another bill for legacy BB.
29-11-2024 09:37 AM
@nibbenjamin yeah, great idea, and I am sure if you had got that agreed when you signed your contract with EE it could have been done.
Instead you are breaking the contract and terms you signed - worth remembering to let the courts know this when you visit.
29-11-2024 09:54 AM
I'm not in a contract it ended on 21/11.
29-11-2024 12:32 PM
These BB contracts don't just end, just the min. term expires. They are not fixed term contracts. After the min. term they just carry on at the non-discounted price on a rolling 14-days' notice basis until you explicitly migrate, cancel or upgrade.