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Caller's call history Now


Caller's call history Now

EE Community Support Team

OK, thank you, @PatriciaPliscak 

Was the number a UK mobile/landline number, or a chargeable call?

Well, it was like that and it was also a normal mobile number because I called several workplaces and I can't find those numbers at all, could you please send me a list of the calls

Yes, it was both a landline and a mobile phone, I called several workplaces and now I can't find the phone numbers at all, and I already asked for postage to be sent to my home a long time ago, but I haven't received anything yet, so I'm already desperate, could you please help me to help with this and send those speaking statements in advance thank you for my understanding


@PatriciaPliscak  You’re device will show the last 100 calls made out of the last 1000 calls.  To see past the last 100 calls made you have to delete some of the last 100 to show more.     Open the phone app and click recents.  Delete some calls and itll show more of the last 1000 calls. 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

But I have a reset phone, so I don't have anything there, so please, could you send me a list of calls to my email, you can definitely click one button and everything will pop up right away, and just send it to me, you'd be so kind, I'm begging you

@PatriciaPliscak wrote:

 could you send me a list of calls to my email

You can request your outgoing call data via the following page - which can take upto one calendar month to arrive.

But my phone was reset, so I have everything deleted there, is there any chance you can send it to me by email

But my phone was reset, so I have everything deleted there, is there any chance you can send it to me by email


Ok and where do I find that number can you send me those numbers somehow