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Smartphones with the best battery life: Our handy guide

EE Employee

When hunting for a new smartphone, battery power is always pretty high on the list of priorities. So which smartphones have the best battery life?

Best smartphone battery life – our top picks


The good news is that smartphone batteries are getting better all the time, so you’ll find the best batteries in the latest releases.


Some of our top-selling phones with great batteries include:





Best battery for gaming and apps


If you regularly use games and apps, a high-performing battery with around 20 hours of talk time should allow you to download and play, without draining battery quickly.

The more apps and games you use, the more battery life is used so be prepared to charge your phone at least once a day, if you use these frequently.


Best battery for streaming and downloads


Streaming and downloading videos, films and music is going to drain even the best-performing batteries, so make sure you opt for a phone with a talk time of 18 hours or above.


Listening to music won’t reduce the battery life as much as playing games but it will still require a charge every 24 hours or so.


Best for the occasional texter


If sending emails, the odd text and the occasional phone call is all you need then talk time is not a priority. You’re best going for a mid-range device.


Our top selling mid-range phones are:




These are some of our bets smartphones for battery life, but what about making your battery last as long as possible? We’ve all got our tricks and tips – let us know yours in the comments below.