Sudden slow connection and poor upload speeds


While I don't have any particular networking knowledge, I'll try to explain my problem as best as possible. My parents bought an EE smart hub relatively recently. I've had the typical performance issues, random disconnects and slow speeds but they haven't been much of a problem since I purchased a booster that I've been using for a while now.

My overall experience with the broadband up until now had been satisfactory; I could play my games and stream shows, while my parents do whatever they do with their devices. But from as recently as the 31st of July, my internet connection has been struggling to keep up with anything even with most of the devices in my house disconnected from the router. 

I went to manage my hub to see if doing a factory reset on my router would fix anything, but It didn't. checking my Hub's status I noticed that I had "Asymmetric connection speeds" where my downstream sync speed was 13.25 Mbps and my Upstream speed is only 426 Kbps. 

I've been trying to do my own research and I have no idea what's causing my network to be so slow all of a sudden or what needs to be done to fix it. 



EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@bxrUSER1  assuming you have not made any changes recently, your speeds seem much lower than expected, so it is likley your line has developed a fault.

Have you seen the Help pages and/or reported a fault? 


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