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Ethernet cable help!


I have an EE broadband hub with an Ethernet cable that my delightful rabbit has bitten through, I can't buy one through EE and need to try and find a suitable one, Google searches have said there are a different types, I'm not a techy person in the slightest, so are they all the same or does anyone know which specific one I need for the EE hub.(in the UK if this helps) 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@bwrighteyd   Is that the cable from the wall to the router?  If it is you need one of THESE  


if it’s the cable from the router to a device ie PC you need one of THESE 


You don’t have to purchase the ones I linked to there more of an example for you to see and what there called. 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Hi @bwrighteyd you can get a replacement cable from PC World/Argos/Amazon/eBay or even your favourite supermarket. Jus t pick a length and go for it. Cat 5 is plenty good enough up to 100m, so don't  worry about any other more expensive types.


Post a link if you are not sure.



Let us know how you get on.