Ethernet Ports on new Smart Hub Pro Not Working - HELP!


Hi, have just moved to EE from BT and received the SH403 Smart Hub Pro router. Wifi all good. I have a desktop PC with a 2.5Gbps port and swapped the cable from my old BT SH2 router into the new SH403, and internet over the ethernet to my PC doesn't work. After an unproductive 4 hours online to an EE person, we decided to swap the router for a new one. It arrived today and it's exactly the same as the first one. No internet over the connection *or* connection to Google sites only....... I say "or" because, if you play with disabling/reenabling the PC's ethernet controller, *sometimes* it starts working with Google sites only and very occasionally, at full connectivity.
This afternoon, I spoke with my PC's tech support and they checked the driver version on the network card, which was out of date by 3 years. Thought that would fix it, but it didn't....
If I plug my old BT router back in, it all works fine again...

Anyone, any ideas please? â˜šī¸


I found this thread through a google search. Had the 1.6 package installed, and received the new pro router. Wifi speeds on S24 Ultra around 1670. Amazing.

Plugged in a Mac mini with 10gb ethernet, Speedtest was 70! đŸ˜ą Tried different cables, multiple devices, even 1gb devices, all getting around 60/70. Tried all ports, multiple reboots, factory reset, nothing.... I then plugged in a TP link 2.5 switch (using the same cat 8 that I'd be testing with) and boom.... 1670+ What's going on with these ethernet ports?!

As for MLO I can't see any way to get that working. I'm getting full speed if I only enable the 6ghz band, if I also enable the 5ghz or 2ghz or both, then my S24 just jumps straight onto the 5ghz band and I get around 1000 -1100. So I just run 6ghz exclusively and use my old wifi 6 router as a legacy AP on 2 and 5 for older devices.

Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@NeVeTaS The ISP supplied router is just not Prime Time up there yet, MLO looks like it needs a little work done, ethernet just a little bit out there, you are not the first to be so complimenting on the routers inability for issues, if it is not getting back to Tech Support via complaints then there will be possibly nothing getting done.

Hi All,

Newbie, but my experience is laptop could not see network via Cat5e lead connected to hub but could when connected by short lead. With a 5-port TP-Link splitter connected to hub the laptop picked up network using the same Cat 5e lead! Further Cat 5e takes from another 5-port at laptop across house to a desktop which now can also connect successfully. I don't have a need for the speeds some are using here (FTTC and 700m of copper) but I guess powered splitters are boosting inadequate voltage from hub ports. 

Also, over on SKY community many others are finding, like me, that  Sky Q TV box is being being frozen at random times , often several times a day, requiring depower reboot when attached to EE Super Hub Plus via Ethernet. Only solution is to use WiFi either direct hub to Sky Q or some have used EE Extender with Ethernet output to Sky Q (better WiFi 6 performance)?

All the best wadinga  

Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@wadinga There is no power boosting going on, just so that you know this fact!

Hi JimM11

Thanks for enhancing my knowledge. My empirical guess was based on the fact that my laptop would not not recognize the hub (no network) at the end of a Cat5e cable, but would on the end of a short lead. When the tp-link 5-port was introduced between the hub and the Ethernet cable, the laptop immediately identified the hub and has worked without drop out since. I note  NeVeTaS has discovered a similar effect. 

EE tech support response was to send me an additional WiFi extender and to note Ethernet output problems.  Do you have any idea why the 5-port is enhancing ( not power boosting ) network performance from sub "Prime Time" to actually working? BTW I had the BT Business hub previously and that worked flawlessly for 2 years plus with the exact same set up. Moving BT business to EE (domestic BT) required return of hub. 

All the best wadinga



Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@wadinga The laptop is the issue when it try's to negotiate onto the EE Router ethernet it fails to do so, can be for many reason's, the Tp-Link switch has no such issue, your laptop happily connects to the port and the uplink of the switch happily connects to the router. One has got to do whatever to get it working and if you wish to pursue the laptop then you will need to look at drivers, and possibly more so the advanced setting on the NIC control.

Hi Jim,

@JimM11  Thanks for further explanation. "The laptop is the issue when it try's to negotiate onto the EE Router ethernet it fails to do so". Actually it does so fine on a very short lead c 1m, but not on a 10m Cat 5e. As you say, if you get a solution that works, you end up happy. I am now happy, but slightly poorer, as I needed to spend on an extra tp-link to overcome the  shortcomings of EE Super Hub Plus -Ethernet. 

I described the problem, symptoms and the fix here for the benefit of other users whose experience and knowledge might be as limited as mine. Interesting that @NeVeTaS  with a more sophisticated set-up has similar problems and a similar fix.

All the best wadinga

Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@wadinga It is what it is!


More bad news, the wifi calling is so so bad going through wifi 7 it's basically unusable. I use a call to 150 and listen to the automated messages as my test, and it glitches out constantly. 

I added a ASUS wifi6 AP into my switch... perfect. Rock solid wifi calling when using the ASUS.

The negatives are starting to outweigh the positives....

Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@NeVeTaS At the end of the day, it is STILL an ISP supplied, locked down router, using plug and pray.