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Recovery of contacts when you've messed up - twice!


Hi everyone!  I put my Huawei through the washing machine last night and it doesn't work any more.  I transferred my SIM into an old iPhone SE but then needed to erase everything as my daughter's stuff was still on there.  Stupidly I left my SIM card in when I did this and now I've lost all my contacts.  I've tried seeing if the contacts from my Huawei are backup up on Google Drive but they're not.  I can't find out how to restore my contacts and it's a nightmare, as you can imagine!  Anyone got anything else I can try?  Thanks!

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@LisaM22891  restoring the iPhone will not affect the Sim card if your contacts are stored on your SIM card.


 Your contacts will still be there but 

If you transferred your contacts from your Sim card to the iPhone and then did a restore will they be gone.  But as you put your sim in the device and it was still setup with your daughters information still your contacts might be on her iCloud contact list.    This is all guess work through as to what might of occurred. 


To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

Thanks for the reply - there are no contacts coming up so either my SIM card is broken from the washing machine or my contacts were stored on my Hauwei, not the SIM, I'll check that out, thanks


@LisaM22891   They should be on the device or backed up somewhere. 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.