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13-08-2020 09:38 AM
Hi EE....can you give us an indication of if and when you will be releasing the MS Surface Duo phone on contract
13-08-2020 09:19 PM
You really are devoid of any humour aren't you 😀
13-08-2020 09:19 PM
@Chris_B : I was not referring to your reply. I was not even thinking about it. In fact were you to see thro' the subtlety of it you will realise that it backs you up to a T.
There is no need to bring personalities into your responses again.
24-08-2020 09:22 PM
Tbh i asked the same question about the surface pro x coming on ee, if i just waited till the said about if I would be waiting for ever, but they replied saying that they have no plans too so I brought one outright, I am now waiting for the duo to come on ee, if not I will have to buy it from Ms, but would be better to get it on contact as im a few months away from an upgrade.
15-12-2020 07:50 PM
Microsoft Surface Duo is finally coming to the UK next year
11-02-2021 04:22 PM
With the UK release of the Surface Duo now confirmed for a week's time (18th Feb 2021), any news on whether there will be carrier support?
Can I get a Duo through EE?
20-02-2021 07:15 PM
Has anyone heard any more about the Surface Duo coming to EE?
I'm due an upgrade, and have been hanging on for a long time for the Duo. I'd rather upgrade through EE than leave the contract and buy the phone outright through Curry's/MS
20-02-2021 09:00 PM
@MX5Marc Nothing has been mentioned yet by EE.
22-02-2021 01:18 PM
Thanks Chris.
I notice it's in the EE device guide on the website - but whether that means anything or not I don't know.
I guess I just need to stay patient for a little longer. Its frustrating just how little information there is about the phone on contract in the UK