Community Activity
How To Extend Ring Time Before A Call Diverts To Voicemail [Verified Way]
Hi guys:This is to help anyone (like me) who needs to extend ring time before a call diverts to voicemail.First, i am going to suggest updating your android phone with the latest android system updateEE recommend android system update (for various lo...
Previous Employee - Payslip
Hi,I have recently left EE as an employee and was wondering how I would contact HR/Payroll regarding my final pay/payslip? Is there a contact number/email? Thank you!
EE app not working
How long until the ee app is back up and running
Constant Buffering With Streaming Services
I have moved over from BT to EE, So far worst mistake I have ever made.The buffering while streaming is a nightmare. I am streaming the usual Netflix, Disney and Youtube via my Sky box. I have reset my Smart Hub, tested the connection through the EE ...
Day pass
I need a day pass as I'm in Ghana. How do I subscribe to it
Resolved! Annoying voicemail notification
I'm hoping someone can help. For some reason I keep getting voicemail notifications even though I've not got any voicemails. I've had to turn off voicemail as I was getting 20+ notifications a day. I've had a couple since but it's better. Basically, ...
Constant lies from every single staff I spoke to. Send you early upgrade offer then they say i can't have it. Website does not work for me put order through. It has now been months. I have asked for transcript of the call and I also have a chat tran...
Resolved! ee app not working
app doesn't seem to be working on the app or website
EE still using my deceased father's name
I migrated our mobile plans to EE a while ago. Agreed to move broadband from BT too and all seemed to go as well as can be expected.But I cannot merge all the services together to manage on the EE app because despite BT changing the name of my broadb...