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30-07-2021 02:39 PM
Hello guys I have a year left on my contract I have a I phone 11 and I was wondering after my contract Finnish can I keep the same phone and will I have to give it back to them or will I jus be able to keep it seen as though I payed it off.
ps this is my first contract with phones so I dunno wat goes on
30-07-2021 02:49 PM
@Misfitutm36 The phone is yours to keep unless you want to trade it in.
30-07-2021 02:52 PM
@Misfitutm36 : These mobile contracts don't just end, just the min. term expires. They are not fixed term contracts. After the min. term they just carry on at the same price on a rolling 30-days' notice basis until you explicitly cancel or upgrade. There will however be a 10% discount after 3 months.
30-07-2021 03:17 PM
So would I still be paying the monthly fee for the phone contract after it expires and if so will I be able jus to go on a sim only contract so Ill pay a lot less
30-07-2021 04:14 PM
Yes, you may upgrade with EE to a SIM-Only contract in the last 45 days of the min. term.