Apple music

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

I have a sim only deal, it is offering me 6 months of apple music free and £10 a month after, it says cancel anytime,  could i cancel after the free 6 months without being contracted to pay after the 6 months ?

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Bev54 , no reason why not, if you have six months free, cancel then, you should receive notification from Apple that they will be taking the money, but also giving you the option to cancel.

To contact EE customer service dial 150 from your mobile phone or ring customer service for free using Skype or another phone: +44 800 079 8586 or +44 800 956 6000.

Just to add, what you can't do it sign up and then cancel immediately thinking it will just stop after 6 months. It will stop immediately and you only get one free trial, and cannot restart it.