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Apple Watch without sim



I’m wondering if anyone has tried using a Apple Watch without a sim paired with a iPhone with Utility Warehouse sim? Utility warehouse use EE. Does it work ok?

EE Community Support Team

Hi @ClareMcd


Welcome to the community.


You would have to have an EE phone plan to get a plan for your Apple Watch through EE..


It may be worth contacting Utility Warehouse directly to see if they can give you any advice.



EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@ClareMcd  just because a MVNO network uses the EE network for their customers it doesn’t mean a Apple Watch will work with that MVNO network as the MVNO network has to support the Apple Watch.


  An Apple Watch 4G is setup on an EE account that has an iPhone ( it’s another device on the EE account) it’s not just purchase a watch and that’s it it’ll work with cellular.  


you could just get a none cellular Apple Watch because if your not an EE customer you’ll not get a Apple Watch via EE as it has to be linked to a iPhone that’s on contract with EE to have a cellular data connection on the watch. 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.