04-01-2025 05:41 PM
Hi, I thinking of changing my plan to the iPhone unlimited where I see you can get watch data included…. The t&cs say Apple 8,9 SE but I have a 7 with cellular and gps… do you think I could add the series 7?
04-01-2025 09:36 PM
@VixH80 If the T&Cs say the series 8 9 SE then no you can not have it for a 7. Can you post a link to these T&Cs please.
04-01-2025 09:38 PM
If you could link those T&Cs or tell us where to find them, that would be great.
I have not seen anywhere that there is a set list of watches, as long as its cellular and EE offers a plan for it you should be able to get it. It is possible it is just listing the current models being actively sold.
04-01-2025 09:44 PM
@VixH80 Actually if you read the current T&Cs on the watch data it says
there is nothing about which watch series. So yes you can have it.
05-01-2025 11:21 AM
Yes this could make more sense as it lists how to add to mentioned watches -
thanks for your help
05-01-2025 11:22 AM
Thank you so much. I must have misread and seeing these replies makes more sense they mention the watches they are selling.
thanks so much again