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Wi fi dropping


WiFi connects when I do reset get 121mps after 10 mins drops to 30mps have tried another phone which 6 months old same thing. 4 times spoke to gurus reset everything they say it's phone. Can connect to anyone else's WiFi no prob get great signal. Told sending new router now told order not gone in will stop payment not fit for purpose.

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Hello @Smudge80 ,

Welcome to the communty,

You have not written anything about your wifi, which router you have, the speed you are meant to get, need more information in order to help you. 

Have you had anyone else connect to your. Wifi to see if they have the same problem?

If you stop paying, you will end up with bad credit, making it difficult for you to get any credit etc, not a good idea. If the router is at fault, then it will need replacing, but we do need more information in order to help you.

To contact EE customer service dial 150 from your mobile phone or ring customer service for free using Skype or another phone: +44 800 079 8586 or +44 800 956 6000.