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Upgrade EE awful


EE treat people like crap 

Will be cancelling everything to do with them .

I wouldn't have anything to do with them

Wouldn't recommend them to anyone 

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

That's interesting, but without any substance or detail is just a rant.

Every network has some disgruntled customers who want to rant - look at the O2 & VF forums for proof of that.

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Johnsy1960 

Welcome to the community.

Could you give us some information about what has happened? We'll do our best to help you.



hi, every one. my fold 5 screen centre just cracked  as i opened it. 

wasnt happy. so i went on ee to see what they could do to help. all they were intrested in 

was to see how much money they would make. like charging £300 to £600 to repair.

after sending it away then waiting how many weeks to get it back. so i enquired about an upgrade.

£300 to upgrade, for a S23 altra. + £10.80 insurance. I TICKED THE BOX TO SAY IT WAS DAMAGED.

ANYWAY AFTER DEEP THOUGHT i decided to go ahead. filled all the paperwork in. PAID E £300 . 

got an email saying all done phone would arrive within 48hrs.  waited all day .nothing 

checked my emails NO Response NO Order info .  Rang EE to be told cant do nothing as phone damaged,

great why didnt they inform me somehow . NOW Cant even get money back for 3 to 5 weeks  ABSOLUTE JOKE. 


TES I AM RANTING But to be totally treated like a piece of **bleep**, is not my way of customer relations.

plus to be totally shut out of not even being bothered to send me a message


ive been paying over £100 amonth to EE 

And get nothing in return, my fold 5 screen broke when i opened it . tried to get up grade. 

charged me £300 plus £107 a month + £10.80 insurance. THEN TELL Me i cant have it after i paid them the money now cant get that back for up to ten days **bleep**.

Couldnt even bother to inform me that there was an issue. And then after i phoned EE they WANT MORE MONEY.


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Hi @Johnsy1960 

Have you claimed under your warranty for the phone screen. Did you not buy insurance. 

Have you considered claiming under your home/content policy (if you have insurance) if you don't have phone insurance. 

If not then you should buy a cheap phone from Amazon/PAYG phone until your upgrade window is due. 

Ultimately you agreed to the phone contract. 



To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone. You can call Freephone +44 800 079 8586 on Skype

EE standard opening hours are Monday to Friday, 8am to 9pm - Saturday and Sunday, 8am to 8pm.

@Johnsy1960  So you got an upgrade and sent in a damaged device as a trade in but your costs where not for a damaged device.  The device has to be repaired and that will not be covered by what you paid.    Your costs where to terminate your contract early if you wasn’t eligible to upgrade and trade in a working device with only wear and tear usage, a broken screen isn’t wear and tear.   your costs do not cover a broken device as a trade in, especially a fold device with a broken screen that will cost £500+ to fix.  EE are not going to cover that cost so you can trade it in. 


To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.