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how can i get sub titles withh ee television


how can i or is subtitles not posible on ee

EE Community Support Team

Hi @bill212 

Thanks for coming to the community.

You can switch on subtitles on EE TV. Which box are you using?


EE Community Star
EE Community Star


Also applies ro EE boxes. This works for channels on the EPG, but how you get subtitles on apps varies. Generally, pause the programme, and navigate to a little speech bubble on the right just above the progress bar, where you can set them.

The bos is on the right rather than the left because it is well-known that users do not want to set subtitles until the programme is almost over. (At least, that’s what I glean from where they put it 😛)

The BBC iPlayer, in one of the worst bits of UI coding I have ever seen, says SUBTITLES ON or SUBTITLES OFF. This means’s the exact opposite of what it says,.

*Longtime YouView box owner & broadband customer (was BT now EE), but only recently a full EETV subscriber*
Prodigious Contributor
Prodigious Contributor

Interesting @Midnight_Voice  the Youview  Accessibility policy states

  • Audio Description and subtitles buttons on all YouView remote controls

so in reducing the number buttons on the  Box Pro remote they have deviated from that policy.

So whilst you can still toggle between subtitles on and off with a few remote presses  if you were not familiar with how to do it you would be none the wiser from simply picking up remote..  



Correct. No doubt that is what led @bill212 to ask about them here.

*Longtime YouView box owner & broadband customer (was BT now EE), but only recently a full EETV subscriber*


SUB always shared a button with DEL, which I thought would be a recipe for disaster, but in fact wasn’t. And AD shared with the  UPSHIFT ⬆️. The third migrated button on the Box remotes, Zoom, had its own unique button on the curvy remote, and I don’t think I ever used it,

But yes, the Box remotes have gone a long way forward in most respects, but certainly backwards in one or two others.

*Longtime YouView box owner & broadband customer (was BT now EE), but only recently a full EETV subscriber*