28-11-2024 03:58 PM
My mother 90 has "Entertainment (No Frills)" as part of her ludicrously overpriced contract with BT. I intend to contact BT to try and get a better deal - she's paying nearly £100 per month, don't know how that happened but anyway.
I know BT TV is morphing into EE TV and I assume any possible new package would be under the EE brand but...
(1) I do not see a no-frills TV package on EE - Entertainment at £20 is the closest and she only wants or can cope with Freeview
(2) Is the EE interface basically the same as BT? e.g. channel guides, how to "record" programmes etc.? At 90 she would not like new things to have to learn
Thanks in advance if anyone can answer
29-11-2024 10:35 AM
Yes, my wife and I would always go ‘Let’s watch xyz’ followed by ‘Yes, but which service is it on?’ followed by blank looks and a hasty consultation with JustWatch.
Now we just go onto the Apple TV and type in or even just say what we want, and it finds the right app and lines up the programme for us.
29-11-2024 10:56 AM
Just Watch is a great resource. Whilst we’ve got an ATV and iPhones we’ve not yet got into Siri much, having sold all our Google stuff last yr and replaced with Alexa kit. Will have to try it 👍