Re: Re: How to change number on the account.


i want to change my previous ee number to my new one existing ee number. how i can?

EE Community Support Team

Hi @asad1987,

Welcome to the EE Community 🙂

How to transfer a number would depend on the current status of the two numbers, for example are they both on EE monthly contracts or is your previous number on another network currently? 

If they are both on EE contracts, are they on the same billing account? 

Is one or both of the numbers on Pay as you go?

What is the setup of both numbers currently?



Came here for the same question, my old number was EE PAYG which i had a MyEE account for, i now have a new EE PAYG sim and short of setting up a new email account i cant see a way to resolve this. I've changed the number on my account but its still showing my old plan and there is no way to change that 

EE Community Support Team

Are you looking to use your new EE PayG Number and no longer wish to use the old number? 

When you log into the Online Account or App you'll be able to add your new PayG number to view. 

From the EE App just chick the Home Icon at the bottom, then scroll down to where it says "Got another EE Mobile or Broadband". Click 'link a product' button and follow the steps. 


I also have this problem. When you text me each month to say when you will take my payment it says I can view my account . When I click on the link it takes me to a payg sim that was issued as a temporary measure by you when I changed from bt to ee. I am unable to change the details as each time I give my email address it takes me to the unused account.How can i get to the account that is for my current number paid by dd.


EE Community Support Team

Hi @cmdawson 

Please contact Customer Service team on 150 from your EE handset so a member of the team can check remove the unused PayG number from your online account for you. Contact Us | Help & Support | EE



I need to change my number cos some one take ring me 

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Stacey19904

Thanks for coming here. 

If you are looking to change your number I'd recommend giving us a call. 

Our customer care team will be able to look into this for you. 


I want to change back to my old number 

@joeshepherd1  Do you still have use of that old number?   

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.