ipad still under contract but hardware malfunction?


I have an ipad pro 11" model A2459.

it would intermittently charge then all of a sudden would only re charge after a hard re boot. I have had a new charge port and still the same issue and was advised to take back to apple as there is a known issue with this model.

i took it to a genius bar and they said it was dead. he ran a diagnostic and couldnt find an issue other than it would only charge after a hard reboot? he said I would need to buy a brand new ipad pro or take it up with the seller or put a claim in through consumer law? Surely this is some form of hardware fault or software fault meaning that the manufactorer is still liable? i understand that it is 12 months for low end products but for high end models it can differ?

I am in cointract with EE and have 8 months left on a 24month contract at roughly £75 per month. EE said it was an issue with the apple product and all i could do was buy another one off apple or upgrade at a higher price or carry on paying for a contract which i cant use the device? surely this would be an issue that the device was not fit for a 24 month contract? it is not physical damage or wear and tear? i am wanting a repair or replacement as i do not want to renew my contract. we were strictly an EE household. our monthly total to them is around £500 and they say we need top buy another?  

any help would be greatful.

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Robsykes88 

Thanks for coming here. 

I would suggest getting in touch with our technical support team who can run some troubleshooting and let you know your options for the iPad. 

Thanks 🙂


I have been intough and my options are 

1) upgrade and start a new contract with the remainder added to my new contract for early upgrade.

2) buy out my contract at nearly £500 and terminate it.

3) buy a new ipad pro outright approx £650

4) carry on paying my contract until its up for a device what doesnt work.

apparently appple devices all only come with 6 months warranty even though they never tell you.

im going to carry on paying it and go through ombudsman or put a claim in through consumer law. when buying apple products yoou should be told that it has an even shorter warranty and applecare+ is the only way to have an insurance for 2 years length of the contract.

EE Community Support Team

I am sorry to hear this and appreciate the update @Robsykes88 

You can check the warranty details on the Check your device's coverage (apple.com) page. 


it says coverage expired. send it in for a paid repair. even though apple say they dont repair ipad pro's they just replace them. what a joke. 

EE Community Support Team

I am sorry to hear this @Robsykes88 

Thanks for coming back and letting me know. 
