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unlock sim to use in another country
Discussion about all other branded phones and devices including unlocking your device
unlock sim to use in another country
Does EE still sell these? The ones i find on the internet are being sold by individuals. Reason i’m asking is i took out an unlimited data contract with EE and bought a new Buzzard 2 but I can’t connect to the router settings to manage the wifi. Am i...
Hi everyone could anyone tell me how I can get my imei number
I want pay phone but not pay why
Hi , I've recently purchased a galaxy watch 5 when ordering it asked me to choose a plan I then received a sim with an added plan when all I wanted the watch, do I have to keep the simple or could I return it and just have the watch .TIA
Still awaiting my nck code contract now finished i have kids at school who may need to contact me with no phone i need my phone unlocked its been 2 weeks
Can't see any information on the EE site about this - is there a link to the specs for this model as sold by EE - I'm keen to know if this is the 13 inch or 15 inch screen version of this device?
How do I make my samsung watch and phone share the same contact number?