04-05-2024 08:50 PM
04-05-2024 09:08 PM
@Marius56 : What is your query?
Are you already abroad or planning to go abroad? Where?
04-05-2024 09:21 PM
Hi All I'm all ready aboard and I want to active the romingdata on my supscripriin pack can someone help me please
04-05-2024 09:28 PM
@Marius56 : Where are you?
04-05-2024 09:30 PM
@Marius56 If you’re within the EU please read THIS
if your outside the EU you need to purchase a data add on to use data while there, you should of got a welcome text in that location when you got there stating how to go about this and what the costs will be
05-05-2024 08:03 AM
Hi @Marius56
An EE Pay as you go SIM card will not work abroad unless it has been used in the UK first.
Did you make a phone call or send a text message from the SIM in the UK, before you went abroad?