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Stolen mobile data??


I’m wondering if anyone has had this problem at all??

I’ve had the same mobile data allowance now for years, 7gb per month. I’ve always been a low user of this allowance prob no more than 3gb used every month. 
my usage has now gone through the roof , apparently I’m using the full 7gb allowance during the first 10 days of my allowance updating. I’m not using the phone any differently to how I’ve always used it ie mostly linked to Wi-Fi and no heavy reliance on mobile data. EE tell me I’ve been using Amazon on my phone at a high level however I’m hardly ever on Amazon and if I did it would be to simply check the price and availability of a product. I don’t stream anything, I’m not a member of prime or Netflix etc etc so I’m confused. But EE insist I’m using the data. I can assure them I’m not. And I’ve never shared data with anyone or set up a mobile hotspot. 
Any ideas anyone ????

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Martyhandyman   If you look at the data usage of the apps on your phone does any app stand out ? 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

I’ve actually switched off the Amazon apps for mobile data use. No other apps are showing as high useage. My allowance renewed on 18th Feb with 7gb but as of today I’ve only got 1.1gb remaining after 8 days. 
the usage of apps detailed in the mobile data section of the phone didn’t reflect what usage EE were telling me I’d apparently used, their figure were way higher than what my phone details

Out of curiosity I’ve been looking at Wi-Fi usage by my various apps and devices using the analytics on my router. The Amazon photos app on my iPhone decided to upload 0.5Gb of something the other day. I really don’t know what, it shouldn’t have been photographs. Googling around it seems that the Amazon apps or services provided by Amazon have a habit of doing this. I deleted the app. I appreciate that I’m talking about Wi-Fi and your problem is with mobile data, but I’d delete any Amazon apps just to be certain. 
I can’t think why EE’s record of your data usage doesn’t match to what your phone says. You could always try switching data off entirely for a day to see what happens.


Hi Martyhandyman,

I had the same issue with my mobile data last month. I have a data plan of 17gb with boosters, I generally gift half to my wife (wife has 8gb, I'm left with 9gb) when my allowance renews on the 20th each month and like you I have never used my full allowance ( Average around 6gb per month). Then boom I get a message from EE that I've used all my data, so I checked my phone and the graph showed I'd used 9gb of data after one week of it being renewed, but going through the apps on my phone showed that nothing had used that much data. Phoned EE and tech guy looked on their system, it said that YouTube had used it all. Now I very rarely go on there and so I checked on my phone to which I had looked at one video at that time for 12mins and I was at home on Wifi so couldn't have been that. Tech guy suggested I uninstall YouTube, reinstall and clear the cache. He then said he would gift 5gb of data to cover me for the rest of the month which it did. Glad to hear I'm not alone in this!

Hi there,

Did this resolve the issue permanently? My wife is having the exact same problem with her data, with YouTube as well. 

She has a google pixel so cannot uninstall the app, but has cleared her cache. 

EE have done the same by gifting data, but we don’t want to rely on this. 



So far it seems to have resolved the issue. I haven't had anything else as of yet.