Off-topic board intended for general chit chat
Yes no problem
Hi There, I wonder if I can bother anyone for the HR contact details as I'm an ex-employee looking for reference details - contact number, & email address. TIA & Merry Christmas 2023!!!
Cant get through to customer services anyone know if there open today?
Have a great Christmas guys. I'm here if anyone wants to chat. Txt. 拾
Hi, I'm an ex-employee of EE, and I'd like to get in contact with HR through telephone if any could possibly provide me with a contact number? Thanks.
Hello, I was hoping someone could please confirm what the December pay date is set to be for EE staff this year?
Hi,May I please get the email address and contact number for HR? It is for a reference request.Thanks
I would like to leave a review for a member of your team the wonderful lady was called Dina in customer service she went beyond my expectations and was so so polite , helpful and bubbly and she is an asset to your team and there should be more the fo...