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Thank you Blackpool


Store R476

Tran 021256

Hello,  just wanted to say a big thank you to Emily in the Blackpool store last week. She was really patient and kind.  Her style was persuasively no nonsense, knew what she was doing and did it quickly.  I asked to choose a phone number for the sim card we needed,  she brought a selection within the area of numbers we mentioned.  This was really important as my son is on the autism spectrum and has specific ideas around numbers.  I found a number that he instant was able to recall and quote back. Good job Emily and thank you again! 

While I'm here, please make the feedback of positives easier! I found the way to make a complaint really easily but not how to pay a compliment?!?!


Standwellback x

EE Community Support Team

Hello @Standwellback

Welcome to the EE Community. 

What amazing feedback for Emily, we really love reading stuff like this on the community. 

It sounds like Emily really went above and beyond and I would love to pass this to Emily's manager. 

Could I please confirm was it the store at the Houndshill Shopping Centre?

Speak soon, 


Yes it was in the Houndshill centre.

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EE Community Support Team

Thanks @Standwellback. 🙂

We'll get this sent through to the store so that Emily and their manager can see your lovely feedback.
