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Good hobbies to uptake ?


Im new to all this & was wondering, what are everyone’s hobbies? Right now I don’t really have any due to work but loved going to the gym & boxing but I haven’t done it since covid hit, I often see the Bournemouth cliff goats (pic below of me & 1 of the goat boys Hamish) but other than that don’t really do much else … so what dose everyone do in their spare time? 


EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Hi @Nucknuck4,

Loving the goat pic!

I enjoy walks with my dog and cycling in my spare time, although it hasn't been much fun with the weather we've had recently!

Have you thought about getting back in to boxing?


Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Hey Nucknuck 4 👋 tbh due to a disability I find somethings a bit difficult but I’ve just found a new hobby although not to everyone’s taste I’ve just got into the new hobby of arachnophobes I’ve just got my 1st curly haired tarantula (which I’ve named pendulum)


& there will be more to come easy to maintain & fascinating to watch 👍

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Bionic69

I can imagine they would be fascinating to watch, I am in the terrified category for spiders!

I think I will have to stick to my cat for now, although the dream is to own a farm with every rescue animal I can fit in!


Established Contributor
Established Contributor

I quite understand Leanne a lot of ppl are in that category of disliking spiders but tbh these creatures can be quite timid but there not really for picking up & petting like a cat/dog . But what great idea for a rescue animal farm 👍 I’d quite happily come & help with the reptile section (if you had 1 ) 😃

EE Community Support Team

No, they are beautiful though very interesting to watch @Bionic69 

I think that would need to be a separate farm house miles away in case one escapes! I blame the film Arachnophobia from my childhood, it has ruined spiders for me.
