17-06-2023 12:35 PM
Hi everyone I'm new here.
17-06-2023 12:51 PM
Hi @Cazann71
Welcome to the community, great to have you here 🙂
If you have any questions please let us know.
Leanne 🙂
19-06-2023 05:50 PM
I placed an order for a sim only but I havent heard anything?
20-06-2023 07:30 AM
Hi @Cazann71
Thanks for coming here.
When did you place the order?
Did you receive a confirmation email?
Leanne 🙂
20-06-2023 08:08 AM
Hiya I placed the order Saturday and didn't get a confirmation email.
I put the pac code in when I ordered as I'm transferring from another provider
20-06-2023 08:16 AM
Hi @Cazann71
In this case, please get in touch with our mobile care team on 0800 956 6000 and select new/joining EE, the team will check the order for you.