12-04-2024 02:51 PM
I am the coach of a local ladies football team called Ocean city ladies. (They have had a tough time setting up after being pushed out by their parent club originally to make way for a boys team and left without a coach, pitch kit etc, which is were I came in!lol)
They have done amazingly well ( i am very proud of them all!) to put together this new team but are still also looking to help out others and they have put together a family fun day and charity match and alzeihmers on the 9th June this year.
We were wondering if you could provide any help with a prize or 2 for a raffle we hope to hold so far we have only a couple of prizes.
We are a team in facebook and the charity is the alzeihmers society ( we can send email confirming us helping the charity)
12-04-2024 03:23 PM - edited 12-04-2024 03:24 PM
Hi there @Ryuken0071
Thanks for coming to the community.
I have sent you a private message on here for some details 🙂
12-04-2024 03:30 PM
Thanks leanne messaged you back.
12-04-2024 03:41 PM
Thanks very much @Ryuken0071
Leanne 🙂
05-02-2025 09:25 PM
Sorry to jump on this thread.
we are organising a charity ball on 7th June and wondered if you have a direct email address to send information to please
06-02-2025 09:01 AM - edited 06-02-2025 09:01 AM
Hi @Kelsalld311
Welcome to the community.
I've popped you over a private message to take some details to pass on to the relevant team.