12-11-2024 11:00 AM
How do i find out how much is left to pay off for my phone and what happens when my phone contract runs out. My phone contract is due to run out in December however my headphones do not run out until February but i am not planning on staying with EE once my contract runs out.
12-11-2024 12:23 PM
These mobile contracts don't just end, just the min. term expires. They are not fixed term contracts. After the min. term they just carry on at the same price on a rolling 30-days' notice basis until you explicitly cancel, upgrade or port your no. away. There will however be a 10% discount after 3 months. You may always choose to upgrade your contract to a cheaper SIM-Only contract.
If you cancel phone contract that will also cancel any add-to-plan contract associated with it & you'll need to pay it off. Sounds like you'd best wait to Feb.