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Smart WiFi Plus keeps disconnecting


Hi my Smart WiFi Plus keeps disconnecting - the light goes from blue to red, may flash a bit then back to blue and repeat....

I haven't moved it recently, it is in the same spot since I set it up months ago. I have tried turning it off and on, and also tried factory reset

In the app it shows as having a weak signal, but doesn't give any clues as to what to do about it

Wifi signal from the main hub is OK - its just this smart wifi plus device that's not doing anything!

Any suggestions please?


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@spindlefox  How about the ONT lights, do they change?

Have you tried the Help pages? 

Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@spindlefox Have you tried as a temp measure just moving it closer to see if it turns Aqua?

No that’s my next step I think - was trying to avoid it as it’s a fiddle to move (its plugged in behind a cupboard)

The ONT is all fine, the issue is with the mini smart plus hub rather than the main router, as far as I can tell that’s working ok

Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@spindlefox Not an ideal place, but they do work in cupboards, would certainly try it out in the open just in case it is struggling to get router signal strength. See what it does.👍

Easy test, switch of the booster were it is, and if you struggle to get a good wifi signal when at the booster position, then the booster will also struggle!

As per previous suggestion I have moved it nearer the router, and set it up again- worked fine. Moved back to my lounge on the middle floor ( I’m in a 3 story townhouse) and once again it connects but then flashes red before reconnecting again briefly 

 I don’t think the device itself is faulty (although it worked ok for the first few months) but maybe I need another one between this one and the main hub?

Also just to clarify the device is not in a cupboard, its only that the power socket is behind a cupboard which makes it a bit of a fiddle to relocate

Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@spindlefox How far approximately from the Router to the Extender, and number of walls floors etc to get between them, it is looking like the extenders are lower powered on AP for the mesh, and not sure functionality, do not use the EE mesh, but when you moved it, and it started working, did the signal still not reach were you needed it to be? Got the power plug in now!!