09-12-2024 08:43 PM
According to Mr Bacon I can run a business, stream movies, play games and keep an extended family on line in a delirious haze of broadband eutopia !
Three of us in this house and the boy can’t play fifa at the mo because of the lag! Please do get in touch Kev as your pals in the office seem to think all is well and are happy to keep taking my hard earned on false promises. @ee
09-12-2024 09:28 PM
@EEshizz hey, sorry but Mr Bacon, or anyone else is not going to contact you. No one on here has account access or knows who you are.
Also your post is lacking any information about the service you have to respond with any meaningful information..
But is you feel like saying what service you have, the router you are using and the issues you are having we may be able to help.