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Sharing data on paired apple watch


Hi, I have an unlimited iphone plan with EE and looking to get an apple watch paired with same number. Am i able to share my mobile data to the paired watch the way you can between mobiles on the same EE account as may as well just go for 4gb plan. Hope that makes sense. Thanks in advance.

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There's no need, your Apple watch plan comes with Unlimited data anyway - if you don't activate cellular (wifi only watch), it'll use the data off your phone

Hiya, sorry im confused now,haha doesnt take much. All the watch plans seem to come with data??? And if I had wifi only would that mean I had to have my phone with me to make and receive calls etc on watch. Thank you

If you have a cellular watch and want to make/receive calls on it without your phone, yes. you'll need a watch plan


Otherwise, if you have your phone with you, you can use your watch to make/receive calls


Hope that makes more sense

Aw right i see now thanks. I want the watch to have the same number as phone so would be looking to go for 4gb plan and then hopefully share data from handset if needed and if at all possible. But thank you.