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Proof of usage and blacklisting - Issues with EE providing documents


I recently had my Apple iPhone 13 mini stolen from me while I was travelling overseas. I immediately called EE and got the sim blocked and the handset blacklisted. 

As part of my travel insurance claim, the insurer (Taurus) has asked me to provide proof of usage and proof of blacklisting.  I have tried contacting EE multiple times about this. Initially, EE said that they had an internal  IT issue and were unable to process the templated letters even though they had all of the relevant information (including the IMEI etc).  They asked me to call back in a week as the IT issue should be fixed in this time. 

After calling EE back a week later, I was then informed that they were not able to provide me with the information as I did not purchase my handset from EE.  I advised Taurus of this and they advised that EE were required to provide me with the proof of blacklisting and usage and would have this information on their file, regardless of whether I purchased the handset from EE. They also stated that they were unable to process my claim until I provided them with the information.

Has anyone else experienced issues with getting these documents from EE? It is incredibly frustrating and I would like to escalate this issue given that EE have given me conflicting advice.  


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Hi @Mwalker94 

Taurus are talking utter rubbish. They are trying to avoid your claim. Ask them to run a check mend search (you can also do this) which will validate the phone is blocked. 

I would recommended you say to them that they are deliberately "putting barriers" in place to settling your claim and you want to complain. They have 8 weeks to issue a final decision letter. Go to the Financial Ombudsman service. 

As for EE. Yes they are also talking rubbish. If you used the handset on EE network and they blacklisted your phone/sim (when reported stolen) then they should be able provide you with confirmation. The only reason they wouldn't is if they havent done it.


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